The main objective pursued by the “Capacità per la Coesione” (CapCoe) National Programme (NP) lies in enhancing Cohesion Policy implementation effectiveness by strengthening Public Administrations’ (PAs) institutional capacity, primarily at territorial level.
Via instruments tailored onto the identified needs, the NP mainly performs on PAs’ capacity in Less Developed (LD) Regions, in order to empower them to take full advantage of the opportunities deriving from Cohesion Policy Funds so as to significantly improve the public services provided to citizens and businesses.
Following the adoption of the 2021-2027 CapCoe NP (12 January 2023), its related implementation path formally began.
This path follows up on the partnership dialogue previously launched, aiming to co-design some of the Programme’s initiatives to enhance actions’ effectiveness within the territories addressed.
In this framework, some rounds of meetings with the Regions were set up in February 2023 in order to map an overview of PAs’ support needs across territories and better design the required instruments, in line with the strategic aims under the NP priorities.
Major interventions – within CapCoe Priority 1 (endowed with the largest share of financial resources) concern:
- Supply of specialist support to local authorities through a digital platform providing a portfolio of on-demand services;
- Recruitment of HRs within local and regional PAs in line with the skill-related needs conveyed by local and regional PAs for Cohesion Policy implementation;
- Training the newly recruited HRs and all the staff employed on Cohesion Policy actions within local and regional PAs;
- Support for Administrative Regeneration Plans (Piani di Rigenerazione Amministrativa – PRigA) to collect and process information on major work paths to ensure strategic strengthening of administrative capacity at regional level.
In order to guarantee effective implementation of NP Priority 1, Regional Action Plans (Piani di Azione Regionali – PAR) are going be defined, one for each of the seven Less Developed (LD) Regions, and approved by the NP Monitoring Committee.