The event organized by ANCI as part of the Annual Meeting of Mayors was held today for a discussion on the extraordinary hiring plan and other actions to strengthen Local Authorities funded by the National Capacity for Cohesion Program.
Stefania Dota, deputy secretary general of ANCI, opened the proceedings, stressing that the Association has always believed in strengthening administrative capacity to improve services in the South through an investment in the personnel of Local Authorities. A theme also taken up at the opening by Riccardo Monaco, Director of the Office for the Strengthening of Administrative Capacity of the Department for Cohesion Policies and for the South, who pointed out that the recruitment action supported by the CapCoe represents a challenging and innovative measure also because of the use of cohesion policy resources and because of the provision-unlike previous recruitment actions-for permanent hiring.
Through the CapCoe, Monaco added, it will be possible to provide Local Authorities with skills, professionalism but also training, the latter being a central aspect for improving the management of cohesion policy interventions that require adequate preparation and specific technical skills.
On the progress of the initiative, the Managing Authority of the National Program, Alessandra Augusto, spoke, providing an overview of the journey made from the legacy collected by CapCoe with respect to the administrative capacity interventions financed in previous programming cycles. Very high participation of candidates in the competition that now enters a very lively phase expecting by the end of the year to make available the ranking list of resources to be placed in the recipient entities. Synergistically with recruitment, the CapCoe envisages another important reinforcement measure, the Territorial Service Center, through which entities will be able to be supported, remotely and on site, in all the main areas that cover the life cycle of a public investment project through the provision of about 60 different services.
A panel discussion was held during the event, attended among others by Mayors Filippo Mannino of the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa and Fiorenza Pascazio, Mayor of Bitetto, who commented very positively on the action of CapCoe towards which they have great expectations for the development and growth of their territories by seizing the opportunities for strengthening offered by CapCoe.
In the closing stage, Agostino Bultrini, Head of ANCI Personnel Area, presented the accompanying activities for Local Authorities that the Association is carrying out with the Cap4City project financed by CapCoe. These include a Vademecum intended for Municipalities, Unions and Metropolitan Cities in order to create the prerequisites to be able to proceed expeditiously with the recruitment and contracting of staff assigned under the cohesion policy recruitment plan.
“Finally, a concrete, stable, lasting opportunity, a new human capital to invest in to accelerate spending and give quality to interventions for all entities involved, including small municipalities,” said Michele Palma, Head of the Department for Cohesion Policies and for the South, commenting on the CapCoe recruitment action.