The Capacità per la Coesione NP #capcoe participated today, together with other National and Regional Programmes of the 2021-2027 programming, in the plenary meeting of the INFORM Italia National Network, which brings together ERDF and ESF+ communicators.
The meeting, held online, was organised by the coordinator for the communication of EU funds, a figure identified in all Member States on the basis of Article 48 of General Regulation (EU) No 1060/2021, which in Italy is part of the Department for Cohesion Policies and for the South of the Presidency of the Council.
The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the synthesis and feedback of the Italian delegation present at the meeting of the European INFORM EU Network held in Hanover from 27 to 29 May and saw the active participation of #capcoe representatives who illustrated to the Italian network some of the contents discussed in Hanover. As part of the focus on podcasts as a tool for communicating cohesion policy, Friuli Venezia Giulia presented a draft audio series on training initiatives supported by the European Social Fund. During the work, the new section of the single national OpenCoesione portal was also presented to enhance and relaunch communication materials and content related to the policy projects on the portal.
The next meeting of the INFORM ITA National Network will take place in autumn 2024.
All meeting materials are available on the dedicated page on the website of the Department for Cohesion and Southern Policies.
#EUinmyRegion #coesioneitalia #CoesioneInCorso