The Call for Expression of Interest that launches the extraordinary recruitment plan on Cohesion Policy was published today on the Cohesion Policy Department website and in the dedicated section in the CapCoe NP website.
The staff recruitment is the main intervention of the 2021-2027 “Capacità per la Coesione” (CapCoe) National Programme (NP) implemented on the basis of Decree-Law No. 124/2023 converted with amendments by Law No. 162 of 13 November 2023, published in the Official Gazette No. 268 of 16 November 2023.
The Call is addressed to Municipalities, Unions of Municipalities, Regional Administrations, Provinces and Metropolitan Cities of the Regions of Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Molise, Apulia, Sardinia and Sicily and is aimed at gathering information on the need for professional resources and related profiles.
Expressions of Interest can be submitted from 12:00 (noon) on Thursday 30 November 2023 till 12:00 (noon) on Tuesday 30 January 2024 by submitting an application exclusively through the Platform, which can also be reached from the institutional page of the Cohesion Policy Department and CapCoe NP.
Applications may be submitted by mayors, his/her legal representative or a delegated person.
Based on the Expression of Interest outcomes, a competition will be announced to recruit max. 2,200 permanent officials who will be exclusively employed to strengthen the administrative capacity of territorial PAs as to Cohesion Policy resources and actions management.
In particular, a maximum of 1,674 new hires will be allocated to local PAs (Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities), 250 to regional PAs, 135 to Provinces, and 70 to Metropolitan Cities, respectively. Finally, 71 new hires will be assigned to the Cohesion Policy Department.
Any requests for clarifications on the administrative procedure may be sent exclusively in writing to the following e-mail address: within 7 days of the closure of the Platform (30 January 2024) – See: Art. 14 of the Notice text.
21 November, 2023