Priority 1

Assigned resources €

(ERDF + national co-financing)

Strengthening and efficiency-raising of 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy implementation processes and skills

 Priority 1 addresses regional and territorial PAs in Less Developed (LD) Regions to support effective implementation of Cohesion Policy actions.


This Priority consists of a single Action (1.1) broken down into 5 sub-actions.


Action 1.1 – Supporting capacity-building actions in Less Developed (LD) Regions


Action 1.1 aims to support administrative capacity-building as to EU funds management. The strategic tool for implementing the Actions under Priority 1 lies in the 7 Regional Action Plans (Piani di Azione Regionale – PAR), defined by the NP Managing Authority (MA) in agreement with relevant regional MAs, subjected to a shared independent evaluation jointly promoted by the NP MA and the European Commission (EC) and approved by the NP Monitoring Committee (MC).


The Regional Action Plans contain all the relevant information for effective implementation of the Actions under Priority 1 and provide a detailed framework for developing the administrative capacities required for effective implementation of Cohesion Policy investments.


 1.1.1 Territorial support and assistance services


Establishing a territorial support Service Centre (SC), managed by the CapCoe NP MA. The SC for assistance and specialist consultancy performs as promoter and intermediary between the demand for services voiced by local PAs, urban areas, “inner areas”, and other territorial aggregations – on one side – and the offer conveyed by a web assistance platform providing a portfolio of on-demand services, on the other.


The support offered includes the provision, both on site and remotely, of dedicated experts as well as transversal services. The territorial support and accompanying services are defined within the Regional Action Plans.

Assigned resources EUR: 214.938.126,56

1.1.2 HR recruitment

Recruitment, through national contest, of additional HRs to be assigned to territorial and regional Public Administrations (PAs) and the PA in charge of the CapCoe NP. The selection will first focus on the professional profiles identified in the Regional Action Plans (Piani di Azione Regionali – PAR). The newly recruited HRs will be employed exclusively on Cohesion Policy implementation measures.

Assigned resources: EUR: 572.000.000,00

1.1.3 Training

Enhancing the skills and operational capacities of new recruits and all HRs involved in Cohesion Policy implementation actions through customised training initiatives, also drawing upon communities of practice (CoPs) and territorial working groups dedicated to cohesion.

Assigned resources: EUR 28.600.000,00

1.1.4 PRigA Technical Secretariat

Support services offered by the Technical Secretariat of Italy’s Administrative Regeneration Plans known as PRigAPiani di Rigenerazione Amministrativa, established at national level for methodological-operational coordination of PAs in charge of such Plans as well as of the Network of PRigA representatives (contact officers), and within the implementation of oversight, monitoring and evaluation of the strengthening initiatives provided by each PRigA.

Assigned resources: EUR 9.926.370,33

1.1.5 Support for administrative capacity-building Projects under PRigA

Implementation of some administrative capacity-building actions under regional Administrative Regeneration Plans (PRigA). The actions shall be aimed at improving project-designing, programming and planning processes also through networks and partnerships, strengthening and development of transversal tools, organisational efficiency, and digitalisation of activities and processes. The actions will be managed directly by the Regions with a view to ensuring complementarity between regional Administrative Regeneration Plans and the CapCoe NP.

Assigned resources: EUR 104.000.000,00