(ESF PLUS + national co-financing)
Support for 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy governance and implementation
This Priority focusses both on Cohesion Policy strategic dimension and its more strictly operational dimension, where the main issues are identified, primarily with regard to project-designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluation skills.
The Priority scope is broken down into 3 Actions.
Action 3.1 – Developing and managing efficient work processes in specific policy areas
Action 3.1. supports initiatives for Cohesion Policy national coordination and initiatives targeting European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) policies.
Cohesion Policy national coordination initiatives
- Enhancing the supply of databases and information processing and dissemination systems to support Cohesion Policy actions throughout the related programming and implementation phases. This includes enhancing the OpenCoesione information system functions and supporting the construction of increasingly accurate indicators on territorial policies in order to ensure thorough knowledge of actions and results developed by national statistical services (e.g. Istat, Ispra), the Territorial Public Accounts system, and organisations widely spread at territorial level (e.g. ANCI, Unioncamere).
- Strengthening and evolutionary development of evaluation schemes starting from the National Evaluation System, by supporting (through shared tools, analyses, methods and CoPs inside PAs) an evaluation culture within PAs, as well as the creation, dissemination and adoption of tools and models for Cohesion Policy coordination covering all the programming cycle phases.
- Project-designing, development and adoption of efficient and standardised technological tools that guarantee timely management of data cycles; data quality and integration also for effective management of most critical processes (e.g. harmonisation of accounting systems, rationalisation and interoperability of information systems, integration of advanced functions such as expenditure forecast models, etc.).
- Implementation of Cohesion Policy horizontal principles and general rules such as those aimed at preventing and countering conflicts of interest and fraud and those related to public procurement.
- Support for coordination between Cohesion Policy and Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan, including through ad-hoc initiatives to ensure efficient use of human, technical and economic resources and clear identification of the added value of different types of interventions and sources of funding.
Initiatives targeting ERDF policies
- Defining paths and models for central PAs capacity building in order to improve interventions quality within specific ERDF policy areas
- Comparative analysis, systematisation and adoption of common practices among PAs to develop collaborations and multi-level governance on ERDF policy objectives.
Action 3.2 – National coordination of actions supporting participatory partnership practices
Starting from the achievements made in the 2014-2020 cycle, the planned interventions are aimed at defining and disseminating methods and tools for management of partnership processes, and notably at:
- Establishing a national monitoring unit with coordination tasks to better structure partnership-based actions within the PAs involved in Cohesion Policy implementation, encouraging the promotion and dissemination of innovative and participatory partnership-based practices
- Consolidating transparent rules for partner selection and stable participation in policy-making processes
- Developing and adopting methods and tools for multi-level governance encouraging the PAs involved in Cohesion Policy implementation to share coordinated actions integrated with the measures carried out in relevant territories.
Action 3.3 – Developing partners’ skills for informed and effective contribution to Cohesion Policy
During the 2014-2020 programming period a thorough analysis was carried out to identify the skills required to Operational Programmes partnerships. The analysis revealed the need for foster better knowledge of Cohesion Policy guidelines and functioning, and ensuring greater participation – currently concentrated within the Monitoring Committees – throughout the Programmes’ cycle.
In response to these needs, Action 3.3. provides for training/information activities addressed to social, economic and civil society partners in order to foster capacity building and identify ways to contribute to Cohesion Policy implementation by ensuring their greater participation.