Priority 4

Assigned resources: EUR

(ERDF + national co-financing)

Technical Assistance

The objective pursued by this Priority lies in supporting the subjects involved in CapCoe NP management and implementation phases through actions mainly aimed at supporting programming and co-designing, management and reporting, certification of expenses and audits, improvement of computer and telematic management and control systems, and surveillance and monitoring activities.

More specifically, measures are aimed at ensuring:

  • Monitoring Committee functioning and organisational, logistical and functional support
  • Support for CapCoe NP control system
  • Continued improvement and activation of effective and proportionate anti-fraud measures related to NP specificities
  • MA information and communication activities to guarantee dissemination of all the support opportunities offered to PAs by the NP, with major attention to territorial PAs, punctual information on funded initiatives implementation and related results

Evaluation activities to improve NP project-designing and implementation quality and evaluate its efficiency, effectiveness, and results.