Making cohesion policy interventions more effective, structural and tangible: this is the challenge of the #CapCoe, a National Programme of Cohesion Policy that works together with other Regional Programmes to improve the territorial impact capacity of investments supported with EU resources.
How? Through projects to strengthen administrative capacity and support public administrations, particularly in the South, in both specific and transversal areas of cohesion policy.

With the idea of publicising this strengthening and support action, a social campaign kicks off today that will periodically inform about the aims, activities and results of the projects financed by the #CapCoe.

Want to know more?
Follow us on the social channels Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X of @CapCoe2127

#EUinmyRegion #EUFunds #Projects #CapCoe #OIS #Europa27 #coesioneitalia #CoesioneInCorso