The third Monitoring Committee of the National Programme Capacity for Cohesion 2021-2027 was held last Friday in Rome, an important opportunity for discussion with the partnership and all those involved in the implementation of the CapCoe in a particularly significant year for the Programme.
In September, in fact, the reprogramming of the NP was approved, the subject of a dedicated in-depth discussion at the Committee, which provides the strategic framework within which the Programme can now accelerate the implementation process.
The Committee also provided an opportunity to present the actions accepted for financing to date on the various Priorities of the NP, with particular attention, in keeping with the Community provisions of reference, to the Operations of Strategic Importance: Personnel Recruitment and Territorial Service Centre as identified in the reprogrammed text.
The recruitment plan was positively commented on by the Partnership as an example of an operation in which, through the dedicated Working Group, the Partnership itself was able to actively participate, making an important contribution to the success of the initiative and to the achievement of the relevant 2024 target. In fact, the competition met with great interest (over 70,000 applications) and selection tests are now underway (10-13 December).
A focus was also provided on the information and communication activities that will continue in the coming months to monitor the progress of the initiative.
Another topic shared with the Partnership was the Territorial Service Centre, accessible through the AppCOE platform, whose overall progress and next implementation steps were presented.
Finally, among the items on the agenda were also the expenditure forecasts for 2025 of the NP CapCoe and the closing activities of the National Operational Programme on Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020.
All materials are available on the dedicated page.